Computer Aided design

The design that we were tasked to do was to make a keyring as well as a fidget spinner using Fusion 360.
The following are the steps I took to make the final product.

Key Ring

STEP 1: think of a design that you would like to use and sketch it on a piece of paper

STEP 2: create a sketch on fusion360 and sketch a rectangle to start off the whole design.

STEP 3: draw a circle with the centrepoint being the midpoint of the top of the rectangle.

STEP 4: trim the line at the top of the rectangle and the bottom of the circle to create one part of the keyring. Next, I selected the offset button and selected the the semicircle plus rectangle to offset the figure by negative 2mm to bring it outside instead of inside.

STEP 5: add a circle at the top of the figure and ensure that the bottom of the circle touches the curve of the inner figure and offset the circle by negative 2mm to bring it inside instead of outside.

STEP 6: trim off the bottom part of the bigger circle and the curve of the bigger figure where it intersects.

STEP 7: design a heart using circles and lines and I added it to the middle of the keyring that I have designed in the previous steps.

STEP 8: fillet the bottom parts of the keyring by 2mm to make it curved and safer for the user. fillet both the inside figure and outside figure to make it look symmetrical.

STEP 9: click 'finish sketch' and extrude the figure by 2mm and this is how my key ring looks like!!

Fusion 360 design file for the Name Tag: Name Tag design.f3d

Fidget Spinner

STEP 1: think of a design and sketch the idea out onto a piece of paper.

STEP 2: create a sketch on Fusion360 and sketch 4 circles to start off. Then create an offset for each circle at 2mm.

STEP 3: I used the 'fit point spline' to create the curves of the fidget spinner

STEP 4: using 'line', I connected parts of the fidget spinner that were not connected and lastly I extruded the diagram by 3mm and this is how my fidget spinner looks like like!!

Fusion 360 design file for the fidget spinner: fidget spinner design.f3d

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